From October 13-17, 2024, the Jordan Customs Department (JCD), in collaboration with experts from the World Customs Organization (WCO), conducted a series of engagements in Amman and Aqaba to advance anti-corruption measures and promote integrity. This effort was supported by the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme, with funding from Norway. The initiative aligns with Jordan’s priority within the programme to enhance transparency in customer relations, in line with the WCO’s Revised Arusha Declaration on integrity.
The activities centered on fostering transparency, which has played a key role in modernizing customs procedures and strengthening relationships with the private sector. Discussions surrounding the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program have improved communication between customs authorities and private sector operators, allowing for better identification of challenges and opportunities. Engagement with customs officials ensured their active participation in the reforms, cultivating a sense of ownership and collaboration.
These open dialogues allowed customs authorities to better understand the concerns of private sector operators, leading to more informed decision-making. The ongoing exchange of information has enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of customs procedures, promoting a culture of transparency and compliance in trade.
The WCO A-CIP Programme continues to provide technical assistance and capacity-building support to WCO Member administrations focused on integrity initiatives in alignment with the Revised Arusha Declaration.